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View Full Version : Did anyone see PT on Wind Tunnel. Was there anything of note said?

06-06-07, 08:42 AM
Topic says it all. Anyone? Anything?

06-06-07, 08:49 AM
Topic says it all. Anyone? Anything?

Podcast. (http://a1135.g.akamai.net/f/1135/18227/1h/cchannel.download.akamai.com/18227/podcast/TAMPA-FL/WDAE-AM/windtunnel_060307.mp3?CPROG=PCAST&MARKET=TAMPA-FL&NG_FORMAT=sports&SITE_ID=1124&STATION_ID=WDAE-AM&PCAST_AUTHOR=SPEED_/_RACE_DAY_on_FOX&PCAST_CAT=Sports&PCAST_TITLE=SPEED_TV) Listen in for yerself... :)

06-06-07, 11:27 AM
Thanks Cam!

Andrew Longman
06-06-07, 01:37 PM
Interesting bit about the DP01 raised nose, seatbelt mounts and larger cockpit combining to cause the back injury.

I hope Trammell, et al look into that with other teams to correct the problem there too.

06-06-07, 01:49 PM
Thanks Cam!ditto.:thumbup:

06-06-07, 04:14 PM
Topic says it all. Anyone? Anything?Pretty much just that a-hole Dave doing another IRL ad. He had the usual moron caller from Iowa gushing over the last IRL race and next IRl race.......he pimped the Danicle vs Danny catfight..........blah, blah, blah. Dave must have a set of autographed Tony George Kneepads and the show sucked as usual. PT did'nt say much.