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01-24-07, 12:37 PM
As defined by Websters -

1. A new or raw recruit, especially in the police or the army.
2. A beginner in a particular profession or field.
3. sport.
A new member of a team, especially one who is playing in their first major league championship

As defined by the irl -

IndyCar Series officials, in their discretion, will determine the rookie status of any driver. Drivers who have been rookies in prior seasons may retain rookie status independent of number of races started.


01-24-07, 12:51 PM
That's pretty strange. :saywhat:

Assuming they have a ROY award, who will be the chosen one?

01-24-07, 12:52 PM
“Though they are not dramatic, the changes made for 2007 are necessary as our drivers and teams face the most diverse schedule in racing,”

Wait - is diversity bad or good? They keep changing their minds and now I'm confused.

:tony: :tony: :tony: X 1,000,000

01-24-07, 12:53 PM
The problem right now is that they don't have any drivers that meet their old definition of a "rookie." But, they do have a "rookie of the year" award that has a sponsor.

So, they'll make up the definition based on who they can round up to drive.

01-24-07, 01:05 PM
The problem right now is that they don't have any drivers that meet their old definition of a "rookie." But, they do have a "rookie of the year" award that has a sponsor.

So, they'll make up the definition based on who they can round up to drive.

whaddabout that Cahill pie in the sky driber(s) ???????????????

01-24-07, 01:27 PM
The addition of a rear-mounted safety light for all events. The light, which will be mounted on the attenuator, will function as a safety light at all events and will be controlled by race control. It will additionally serve a rain light on road courses.

Doesn't Champcar have a light like this? I remember seeing them on the Lolas at Cleveland last year.

Andrew Longman
01-24-07, 01:36 PM
Doesn't Champcar have a light like this? I remember seeing them on the Lolas at Cleveland last year.

Yup, on the DP01 anyway


01-24-07, 04:18 PM
Our rain light isn't controlled by Race Control; it's up to the teams to turn it on or off, although that is generally at Race Control's discretion. So, I suppose that's something new they've accomplished.

I halfway suspect that the new definition of the word "rookie" will make Danica the first human in history to be Rookie of the Year twice, thus finally giving her an achievement no one else has matched and solidifying her place in history.

01-24-07, 04:59 PM
Rookies, rain lights...sheesh, next thing they'll tell us they're going to run on a short oval in the middle of Iowa or someplace!:rofl: