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Andrew Longman
12-07-06, 01:12 PM

A spokesman for the air base said officials checked calendars to avoid conflicts but somehow missed the race. It's too late to change schedules now. IRL marketing department really getting the word out :rolleyes:

12-07-06, 01:21 PM
Karma. :laugh:

12-07-06, 01:21 PM
TFF! :rofl:

"Their event is actually paid for by the government and given away for free, and now it's competing with a private event - the largest downtown weekend event in our year."

Last I heard your street race was paid for by Honda and the tickets were given away by associated sponsors. What's the real difference unless its that the people going to the airshow have already indirectly paid their admission every April 15th?

BTW, there should be a poll in the SP Times about whether people would like to see and hear a B2 fly by and the Thunderbirds or a motely collection of crapwagons.

12-07-06, 01:25 PM
new excuse for failing attendance

12-07-06, 01:30 PM
That article stated that the attendance for the St Pete's race was 100k for the weekend. I say BS.

Andrew Longman
12-07-06, 01:33 PM
The can always pray for rain and the airshow gets grounded.

Opposite Lock
12-07-06, 01:44 PM
Couldn't happen to a more deserving mayor.:rofl:

This could make it hard to book a banner plane, though.;)

12-07-06, 01:51 PM
Couldn't happen to a more deserving mayor.:rofl:

This could make it hard to book a banner plane, though.;)

payback is a bitch isn't it, FMA and barry green ha ha:rofl:

12-07-06, 02:13 PM
Schwing! Morons. Serves them right. :tony:


12-07-06, 02:35 PM
IRL race and airshow - always thought they could be the same thing.

Al Czervik
12-07-06, 03:43 PM
I nominate the Vision pit as an area for strafing practice.

diamond dave
12-07-06, 04:15 PM
I bet they can get a "flyover" without having to pay for it - BRILLIANT:rofl:

12-07-06, 04:31 PM
Let's see...free air show or $110 League race? Some people are going to have a DEVIL of a time making up their minds!:cry:

12-07-06, 04:33 PM
Does the race use part of the runway the air show will use?

12-07-06, 04:36 PM
Air shows are great and everything, but they should really try to have it in a gymnasium. THAT would be cool! :tony:

12-07-06, 04:40 PM
Let's see...free air show or $110 League race? Some people are going to have a DEVIL of a time making up their minds!:cry:

there will a couple with free red hats at the earl airshow:rofl:

12-07-06, 04:42 PM
"We're going to disappoint fans who want to attend both. Now they have a conflict..."

Hmm...conflict? Free airshow or s***boxes? I mean come on, $110 a ticket? A family of four will for sure go to the airshow. We went to an airshow YEARS and YEARS ago and it was pretty sweet.


Don Quixote
12-07-06, 04:51 PM
Sure would be bad if Green and Andretti take a bath on this one. :laugh:

12-07-06, 05:05 PM
Actually I think WE alls takin' a bath...I'm sure the airshow is at taxpayers expense and they ain't cheap!:(

12-07-06, 05:09 PM
spicoli lets hire a f-18 to carry this


Don Quixote
12-07-06, 05:13 PM
If you were a hard working concessionaire, trying to make ends meet, which of the two events would you want to be at? :rofl:

12-07-06, 05:40 PM
Best laugh I've had all day.

12-07-06, 06:14 PM
Actually I think WE alls takin' a bath...I'm sure the airshow is at taxpayers expense and they ain't cheap!:(

Yeah, but air shows are sweeeeeet....don't really mind the government spending my money to defend this country, but it sure is nice to see some of it now and again. And now, they're spending it to give Tony a black eye. That is ok with me! :cool:

12-07-06, 07:21 PM
A spokesman for the air base said officials checked calendars to avoid conflicts but somehow missed the race. Somewhere on the air show committee are there a couple champ car fans having a hard time keeping straight faces...? :cool: Guess we won't know for sure until next year if this was intentional, but it's fun to imagine it was. :D


12-07-06, 07:29 PM
Somewhere on the air show committee are there a couple champ car fans having a hard time keeping straight faces...? :cool: Guess we won't know for sure until next year if this was intentional, but it's fun to imagine it was. :D


:laugh: :thumbup:

12-07-06, 09:53 PM
spicoli lets hire a f-18 to carry this


that was a photoshop. did not happen.

p.s. on good word, fTG saw that. :laugh:

12-07-06, 10:45 PM
IRL race and airshow - always thought they could be the same thing.

"Ticer said the AirFest may explore a partnership with the street race for this year's event. Perhaps aerial displays could be part of the race weekend, he said."

Yeah...business as usual! :laugh:

12-07-06, 11:55 PM
p.s. on good word, fTG saw that. :laugh:

Thanks for making my day! :)

12-09-06, 10:16 AM
The air show people are obviously worried now that everyone will go see the IRL instead.