View Full Version : Voting machine problem?

11-04-06, 02:02 AM
Uh... no, not really. (http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061103/NEWS0206/61103032)

I wrote 90% of the software that controls this machine, including reading and writing results to the variety of smart cards it requires. My realm ended at the machine itself, and did not include the software to tally results from all the machines, i.e., the stuff the pollworkers would use after downloading info from the machine via serial port or another type of smart card.

The lost cards used for early voting are worthless. You cannot even vote with them once without programming a unique voter ID on to them. The article is wrong about that. It is true that they are only good once, though, but not until they are programmed before every use with an encrypted voter ID, precinct, and ballot type.

And, despite what you might hear from the hysterical press, there is no way in HE-double-L to hack one. Ours, at least. Encrypted data is stored in triplicate, encrypted file checksums in encrypted files, serial communication, and the voter ID, though unique, is untraceable back to the voter thus maintaining privacy. Data available to the outsider is totally unreadable to anyone but a mere handful of characters on the planet.

11-04-06, 12:26 PM
I'm just glad my precinct is using the Diebold Accuclaw.
