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10-15-06, 05:46 PM

USC Jokes
Here is a reprint from some of my famous all time funny USC jokes. Go Bruins!

This is for all you Orange County USC graduates out here. They grow on trees down here.

1.What do USC and UCLA students have in common? They both got in to USC

2.A Trojan grad and a Bruin grad were on death row. The warden came to them to ask them if they had any last requests. The Trojan said, “I’d just like to hear ‘Conquest’ one last time.” When the warden asked the Bruin what his last request was, he replied, “kill me first.”

3.Did you hear the library at USC burned down?

They lost both books, and one hadn’t even been colored in yet.

4.A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and asks, “Wanna hear a USC joke?” The guy next to him replies, “Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I’m 6’ tall, 200 lbs., and I’m a USC graduate. The guy sitting next to me is 6’2”, weighs 225, and he’s a USC graduate. The fella next to him is 6’5” tall, weighs 250, and he’s a USC graduate. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?
The first guy replies: “Naw, not if I’m gonna have to explain it three times.”

5.Members of the USC football team were placed in a remedial English class. “Because we are all new on campus we are going to start with the basics,” the professor explained. “Does anyone know what comes after a sentence?” All of the players raised their hands. “The appeal!” they all shouted with pride.

6.Q: What are the best four years of a Trojan’s life?
A: Third grade

Q: What does a Trojan and a bottle of beer have in common?
A: They’re both empty from the neck up.

Q: Why doesn’t USC have ice on the sidelines?
A: The guy with the recipe graduated.

Q: What do you get when you drive slowly by the USC campus?
A: A degree.

Q: What does the average USC player get on his SAT’s?
A: Drool.

My personal favorite:
Q: How do you get a USC graduate off your porch?
A: Pay him for the pizza

10-15-06, 06:01 PM
Q: What do you get when you drive slowly by the USC campus?
A: A degree.

and 9mm holes across your windshield


10-15-06, 06:32 PM
Funny all a UCLA blog has to talk about is USC.

Did you see the new rankings? I don't feel insecure enough to post about how UCLA is slipping away. Don't let your head explode next year.

10-15-06, 06:42 PM
Funny all a UCLA blog has to talk about is USC.

Did you see the new rankings? I don't feel insecure enough to post about how UCLA is slipping away. Don't let your head explode next year.

LOL next year? Why wait? UCLA is not even ranked in the top 25 this year, and who cares? Those jokes are still damn funny. Even If UCLA did get beat by a damn good Oregon team that will also beat USC here in a few weeks. Losing Olsen hurt I still think Oregon would have got by us though even with Ben.

USC will drop at least two games by the end of the year with the way those Nancy Boys are playing. You are not going to luck out of games with Cal or Oregon by 7.

10-15-06, 07:00 PM
LOL next year? Why wait? UCLA is not even ranked in the top 25 this year, and who cares? Those jokes are still damn funny. Even If UCLA did get beat by a damn good Oregon team that will also beat USC here in a few weeks. Losing Olsen hurt I still think Oregon would have got by us though even with Ben.

USC will drop at least two games by the end of the year with the way those Nancy Boys are playing. You are not going to luck out of games with Cal or Oregon by 7.

Talk about insecurity. I don't know nor care who UCLA will be playing but you coming in here with Lou Holtz like hopes and predictions is kinda of funny. At USC we actually show up root for our teams, not sit at home and root for others to fail. You are sounding like the senile old ND coach himself. Our football team must be ok if you were compelled to make this thread.

One more thing, after Manning jr, Drew-jones and enbe, along with your kickers actions this past year i would not try to label USC as the school with players showing up before judges.

Don Quixote
10-15-06, 08:07 PM
2.A Trojan grad and a Bruin grad were on death row. The warden came to them to ask them if they had any last requests. The Trojan said, “I’d just like to hear ‘Conquest’ one last time.” When the warden asked the Bruin what his last request was, he replied, “kill me first.”

Now that right there is funny. :laugh:

10-16-06, 07:14 AM
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